Data Expert Solutions

Consultancy Services

DES provides a range of consultancy services to clients across the globe. The company is renowned for its ethical approach, attention to detail and providing the client with an honest, objective and balanced opinion.

DES has already been instrumental in either securing or saving companies millions of pounds in the process of providing such services.

Working with us has many benefits for you, your business and your stakeholders. We are known for our creative, yet professional approach, which is based on establishing a unique relationship with each of our clients.

As well as increasing revenue, supporting staff development and engagement, creating innovative solutions and developing effective and committed teams we provide many other benefits for the business which are outlined below:

Our Consultancy Services

  • Business continuity support for companies
  • Crowd safety expert witness constructing reports for a range of issues in venues and festivals
  • Consultancy for small, major and superscale events on issues taking place during preparation, in delivery and post event
  • Consulting on HVM, HR planning and counter-terrorism advice for major companies and projects
  • Crowd management plan testing, software testing, security planning and auditing
  • Delivery of tabletop exercises for major venues and events
  • Health & Safety Reports for a range of commercial businesses, local authorities and third sector clients
  • Increasing staff development and engagement
  • Personnel audits for major companies
  • Preparation of crowd management planning documents for business premises, venues, transport hubs and other crowded space
  • Preparation of tender documents
  • Projects dealing with an increase in standing floor capacities, redevelopment of space and change in utilization of a range of venues
  • Reviewing change management practices
  • Risk assessment documentation

Other Services

  • Course writing, development, and delivery
  • Creating and delivering seminars & workshops
  • Delivering tabletop exercises, immersive learning, and live test simulations
  • Providing public lectures

Consultancy Benefits

  • All of our associates are nationally and internationally renowned in their fields with many years of experience, enabling them to provide expert advice, knowledge, and support for all of our clients. Our outcomes are current, relevant and instantly applicable to our client’s work settings.
  • Through a unique interdisciplinary approach, we can bring a range of innovative possibilities to businesses looking for a change.
  • At the end of each consultancy project, an extensive report is produced providing the client with our findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Our broad range and vast catalogue of work enable us to examine the possibilities for each client from a number of viewpoints.
  • We use creative approaches to consultancy, which combine the latest thinking with both grounded theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
  • Our adaptable and quality service provides customers with measured results in a time frame which is individually tailored to each client.