Strategic Planning is the method used to develop long-term strategies and actions which shape a company’s future. Strategic Planning can be used when you are looking to:

  • Architect a new business
  • Re-organize an existing business or operational area
  • Prepare a cost-benefit, risk analysis and/or decision analysis for new ideas
  • Develop succession or transition plan

Strategic planning

One of the keys to Strategic Planning is the ability to objectively look at the organization as a living system. Once external factors are addressed and the strategic direction is set the business strategy can begin.

The maturity and the complexity of the organization determine the type of strategic planning tools necessary. In any case, strategic planning rests on the tenets of addressing people, process and tool components.

Some benefits of strategic modeling include:

  • Aligns overall vision, mission, goals, measures of success and people strategy
  • Determines and communicates impact of project or initiative on the business – for example, there may be two groups doing the same activities – do we merge them? What is the impact?
  • Establishes what is required at a more tactical level to accomplish the strategy
  • Identifies interrelationships
  • Tells a strategic story – what are we trying to accomplish, what are the capabilities, problems, opportunities and plans we’ll need to address

Strategic Planning for Organizational Development

The first step is to request your free assessment – we will take high-level look at your company and propose what benefit we can bring to the table to meet your most difficult challenges.

You may consider using someone outside of your organization to conduct strategic planning if:

  • You are new to strategic planning
  • You run into the same roadblocks over and over again
  • You are looking for a new set of eyes to provide you with an educated and objective view

Benefits of strategic planning include:

  • A shared vision
  • Reachable and attainable goals and objectives
  • A focused infrastructure that supports positive behaviors
  • Strengthened organizational, departmental and personal relationships
  • Increased productivity
  • Effective use of resources