Data Expert Solutions

Business Analytics

There’s so much more to your data than meets the eye. With the help of DES’ Intelligence Platform and team of analysts and modelers, you can multiply the impact of your organization’s data.

The DES Modeling & Analysis Approach

Phase 1: Discovery

The discovery phase identifies key donor segments, trends in donor contributions, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your campaigns.

Donor Segments

Everything about your donors matters. Their age, race, income, profession, veteran status, engagement with past campaigns, and much more. We aggregate critical demographics data for each constituent and then build segments based on lifecycles, annual giving ranges, demographic breakouts, and clusters.


Past fundraising successes can lend strong predictions to the success of future fundraising efforts. Our Donor Intelligence Platform reviews historic fundraising performance data for your organization to better understand what happened in each campaign and why it happened. Trend assessments are made available to you in a number of easy-to-understand reports.

Key Performance Indicators

Our team performs an analysis of the trends identified by the Donor Intelligence Platform to determine the metrics by which your organization’s future campaigns can be most effectively measured. Summary averages for values such as average gift, frequency of giving, donor value, donor lifetime value, retention rates, and cost of attrition are made available to you and your team in an interactive dashboard so that you can easily track progress toward goals.

Phase 2: Strategy

With a clear understanding of your donors in mind, our modeling algorithms simulate the long-term, strategic impact of increases in donor file size, increases in retention rates, changes in campaign content, and changes in fundraising timing and frequency.

Crystal Ball Projection Tool

This innovative technology leverages the genius of a proprietary predictive-modeling algorithm based on decades of fundraising data to compare up to five projections based on hypothetical changes in your organization’s strategy. This tool is able to provide fundraising predictions for up to five years into the future.

Phase 3: Action

With a strategy in place to finely-target your donors, our flagship donor segmentation product, PrintPlus, leverages lightning-fast database technology to quickly and accurately segment your donor database into usable lists for you or your agency.

Trigger Mailings

Our Donor Intelligence Platform can help identify donors who are at risk of lapsing and subsequently maximize retention rates. Triggers allow you and your team to receive alerts when donors are found to be at-risk.

Best of the Rest Model

This proprietary algorithm helps you effectively reach donors who were not included in segments used in your campaigns to maximize campaign performance.

Phase 4: Monitoring

Monitor campaign performance easily from our powerful, mobile-friendly dashboard, receive text message campaign performance updates, and tweak the strategy for your next campaign when your current one is complete based on performance outcomes.